As you may have seen, clubs are now permitted to start trials again providing certain conditions are met. These are shown in the next item below. This does add a little extra to the workload and, due to work demands for our current Secretary / Membership Secretary / Results team / Website administrator / Facebook group manager, this is all a little too much. So, for events to start again some help is needed. Let's say that again - this time with emphasis - SOME HELP IS NEEDED!

So you're still reading? Well, if you're one of the one per cent who does wish to contribute so that the other 99% can simply turn up and ride, what can you do to help?  We are currently short of a Membership Secretary to handle, er, memberships and Event Secretaries. Both jobs involve mostly form-filling and box-ticking so would suit somebody with a little free time and good organisational skills. Naturally, we won't just say, 'Get on with it!' - but will give you any help and support you need. If you think that you may be able to help get us back off the road, please give me a call. Occasionally, someone might even thank you.