Darwen Trials Club - Affiliated to the NWC ACU Ltd and the AMCA

As we are currently operating our events under AMCA permits, there is no necessity to become a member.


Getting an AMCA licence

Although there is no requirement from the AMCA to have a licence, it does save the club money if you have a licence and enter our events. To register for an AMCA Trials Licence, visit their website - click here

ACU Trials Registration

To enter a trial being run under an ACU permit, a rider must have an ACU Trials registration. To register with the ACU, visit their website - click here

If you wish to name Darwen Trials as your ACU-affiliated club, take the following steps:

  1. Login to your ACU account
  2. Click on Members - left side of page, then your name in the main panel
  3. Click on Club & Team Affiliations, then Add Club and Team Affiliation
  4. Click on Club Membership - +Add
  5. You should see a panel which is a Welcome Message - read it, click Next
  6. You should see a panel which says Club and Team Affiliation Details - read it, select Club Membership - Approval, click Next
  7. Select Darwen MC & CC - click next
  8. Confirm that you are happy for the club to see your details
  9. You should a a message which indicates that your membership is Pending Approval
  10. You may need to contact Ben Butterworth click here to confirm your membership

And that's all there is to it. If you wish to register for a Trials Regstration (licence) there are more hoops to jump through